Questions? We've got answers

What is Quriouz Mankey Pvt Ltd?

Who is the founder of Quriouz Mankey Pvt Ltd?

Is Quriouz Mankey a registered company?

Where is Quriouz Mankey located?

Does Quriouz Mankey accept investors or funding?

How can I contact Quriouz Mankey Pvt Ltd?

What industries does Quriouz Mankey serve?

What kind of training programs does Quriouz Mankey offer?

Are the training programs available online or offline?

Who can apply for the internship programs?

Do the training programs provide industry-recognized certifications?

What is the duration of the training and internship programs?

How are the courses structured (live, recorded, or hybrid)?

Do you provide hands-on projects during training?

Do you offer placement assistance after training?

What makes your training different from other institutes?

What types of academic projects do you offer?

Can students get a customized project as per university guidelines?

Do you provide full project documentation?

How can I apply for academic project assistance?

What kind of filmmaking services do you provide?

Do you offer media production for businesses and startups?

Can Quriouz Mankey handle corporate video production?

What is the LMS (Learning Management System) service provided by Quriouz Mankey?

Can Quriouz Mankey develop a custom LMS for my institute?

How much do your training programs cost?

Do you offer installment payment options?

Are there any hidden charges apart from the course fee?

What payment methods do you accept?

Why should I choose Quriouz Mankey for training instead of other institutes?
